Passionists Missionaries Kenya

Vice Province of St. Charles Lwanga Kenya(CARL)

Sons of the Same Father St. Paul of the Cross

May the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ be always in our Hearts. Amen

Our Curia Leadership

Rev Fr. Raphael Mang'iti CP

Vice-Provincial Superior in charge of the St. Charles Lwanga Vice Province of Kenya as the most highest symbol of Authority and Unity

Rev Fr. Nicholas CP

1st Consultor and in charge of Charism and Community

Rev Br. Martin CP-Economo

This office advices the Superior on matters finance, facilitation of our existing projects and ensuring that our Finances are safe.

Rev Fr. Paul CP-Consultor of Apostolate

This Office deals with all matters related to apostolates. It also finds other relevant apostolates to the Congregation.

Welcome Message From Superior After Re-election 2021

Dear brothers, I thank you for remaining watchful in this Congregation left to us by our Founder St. Paul of the Cross. He desired that all brothers remain focused on the mission given us by the Holy Catholic Church i.e, to Preach Christ Crucified especially to those who are thirsting for the message of the Cross that we are called and mandated to break down to them, that their sufferings may be understood in the light of the suffering of our Master who Suffered more that we may Suffer less. For this reason, you have found me worthy to once more be your Shepherd after I led you for two terms that ended four years ago, and I gave the baton to my brother Rev. Fr. Andrew who also led us to the best of his ability, we thank God for his availability and gifts for the Congregation at large. We wish him well as he takes up his rest. You have elected me back for another term, thus, I promise to pick up from where I left off...Therefore, let’s celebrate life. I will be visiting Communities to see you brothers and speaking around the table. Go well, and may the Lord bless and protect our Congregation. 

May the Passion of our Lord Jesus be always in our Hearts. Amen

St. Paul of the Cross-Pray for us

Rev Fr Raphael Mang'iti CP Vice-Provincial Superior

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